“God’s Chosen”
January 10, 1989
February 8, 2010
Chase Jones
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Submitted by: Annette
What was Chase like?
Chase would brighten any room that he walked into with his beautiful smile and love for people. Chase wanted to overcome his addiction, he said “God Chose” him because he wanted to reach out and help other addicts because he had walked their shoes.
Favorite memory of Chase
Growing up Chase was like the perfect child, sweet, kind, loving and happy. We have only great memories of family times, vacations together, all the different sports Chase and his brother Casey played together. We treasure all of those wonderful memories together. Chase had a tattoo on his back that said “God’s Chosen” and a huge cross underneath the words. It was beautiful.
What will be missed most about Chase
Chase would give the best hugs, I called them bear hugs. He would come and pick me up and swing me around and give me the biggest bear hugs. I miss those bear hugs, I miss his beautiful smile and gorgeous blue eyes with the longest eye lashes. I miss his laugh, I miss my first born son.
How will Chase like to be remembered?
Chase loved God, he needed God because he was battling his demon of addiction. He was clean for almost a year before he passed, but he was sober and I had my Chase back. We were going to church together then he relapsed, Chase died from an accidental heroin overdose in a rehab house at the age of 21. I know Chase is in heaven now, he is free from the struggles, and I will see him again one day in heaven. Today, Chase would say don’t do drugs, just one time can kill you.